Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spas, Steaks, && Cash

Attention Attention, is this thing on?

I have successfully made it to my SD's hometown and it's like living in a movie! Here I am, it's 9:30PM @ night && I'm laying on a Queen size plush bed in awe at the days events! Here's a run down:

He picks me up from the airport (in a white BMW no less:D)
We go to lunch in a cute little bistro, the sun was out so we enjoyed our meal outside. We talked about what I need, and what he needs && laid down a few ground rules.
I go to his home, holy moly his home is like out of a movie!
After a little tour of the surrounding neighborhood, we go to the Four Seasons for drinks.
By then it was five and he wanted to treat me to a spa day. OMG I have sooo many pictures:p
After the spa, which was AMAZING! We went to our dinner reservations at a very posh steakhouse. Best steak of my life I might add!
When we got to the car he said, "I have something for you," and put 300 dollars on the table. I'm not gonna lie it was kind of weird:/
After that he took me to my room @ the Four Seasons (part of our arrangement-no sex on the first encounter, only until it feels right) and here I am!

Question: When we were out together, we would get some offhand stares, any advice on how to deal girls? It really bothered me though I didn't let it put a damper on our evening:))

I'll be sure to update when I touch down, until then.


Friday, February 26, 2010

And I'm Leaving-On A Jet Plane

Okay not exactly a jet plane:)

JUST got of the phone with Mr. Mac && we've made flight plans for me to see him! I can't believe my sugar search has bore fruit! From Saturday to Sunday; short I know but I told him I would try for the whole weekend next time! I'm super excited ladies! Anyone have any sure fire tips when meeting a potential for the first time? Like: what to wear, what to bring, any first date no-no's?! I'm taking my laptop so I'll be sure to update when I arrive-maybe upload a few pictures?? Until then!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Could He Be THE SD??

Okay so, I've been trying to be good about keeping up with the blog! :) New update!
Mr. Compliments turned out to be a total douche, I repeat DOUCHE! Mr. Swirl is still a works in progress-no phone conversations yet, just a few FaceBook messages back and forth. Nothing to rant and rave about. But MR.MAC~he really seems like the real deal. ATTENTION ALL SUGAR BABES && SUGAR BABE PROSPECTS: I had asked the "career-Sugars" about how to broach the topic of allowance/gifts to a pot. SugarCookieBaby noted it may be a good idea to hint that you wanted something. I took a shot! I told Mr. Mac that a *insert popular singers name* was performing in *insert city* and I would go if I could. 45 minutes later: I receive a text asking me for my address so he could send two front row tickets to see *insert popu--* okay fuck it I'm putting it: JOHN MAYER! I never thought it would work! But apparently it did:)) Shout out to SugarCookieBaby! Bitch knows the game! (Thanks a million!)

Mr. Mac && I talked on the phone today and it was such a comfortable conversation! I told him I had an early exam tomorrow and that I would have to go to sleep. I still haven't drafted my English paper! Time to hit the books:) TTYL girls.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A New POT!! && Girls He Seems Like A Sure Thing

WOW! So where to begin. After a 3 hr search (yes, three) I have found a very very good pot SD. Let's call him Mr. Mac.

First off annual income oooooof: 500k-1MIL (<--uh yeah!)
He loves women of color and has dated women of color and loves them (WTF with the white guys!) We exchanged Y!IM addresses and started chatting away. He's actually really down to Earth. He's not one of those "Ok lets see a naked picture" kind of guys; and I felt comfortable enough to tell him I don't do that...AT ALL. He said he respects that. So after an hour of talking he IM'd me his phone number. I was so scared to call him! My heart started like racing! It was so surreal. I picked up my cell and saved him under "Mr. Mac" and put "POT" in all caps :p
Then I called, it was so cute. He had a really heavy Texas drawl. He mostly wanted to talk about if I was physically attracted to him and I told him I was(really I am girls I promise!), he said he likes me and wants to fly me to Dallas to visit him. I told him that would be okay in due time:)
Girls, I'm excited, but I'm not going to put all my sugar cubes in one Chanel clutch! I'm still, modestly, searching! Any career Sugars have any advice on how to broach the topic of allowance with him? Please feedback is needed!

Holy be-jebus advice ladies come on now. Rally up the troops and help a girl with this decision!

SeekingArrangement VS SugarDaddie

Hello ladies (and gentlemen?)! Viv here and I am honestly a little excited. After all the cock shots I could handle from, I have looked into a new way of finding pots (potentials for those new new sugar babies lol me!) and that is I dunno I just feel like it's much more personal! Like on SA it was like a vast pool of SB's and only a few genuine SD's. Granted every site is going to have their fair share of posers, it seemed like SA was pulling in first in the loser poll. Hmm, maybe I'm being harsh; I have only been on SA for like a few months. While I've received plenty of emails, they seem to bear no fruit! on the other hand yielded the results I wanted, I believe. I seemed to be a rarity (a young, beautiful, black woman who 'likes all flavors' so to speak!) and some men like that! I have a pot from (only one day of membership and we have a POT:) ) who is from Maryland and is looking to spoil and mentor a "beautiful woman of color". He is white if you must ask, and he seems so very doting! I'll keep you posted on that. Codename: Mr. Compliments. :p

I have a second pot who was hesitant to sign up but (thankfully!) did. His profile blatantly said that he prefers black woman (and yes, he's white..WTF with me and the white boys!). He didn't post his picture because of his job but did email me (by accident I'm not sure) his full name. Sooo, what did I do with this tidbit?? Yup! I Googled him! And the search results were quite nice! He's into real estate (in the Washington D.C. area) and is at the forefront of the company he works at. Codename: Mr. Swirl. ALSO LADIES: if you do get a full name I encourage you to utilize the website: It's totally free and lists damn near anything you can think of: whether he is married, deeds, loans, it's all right there at your disposal. Be a smart SugarBabe! I know I'm reeeally new (like two days in new!) but I'd like to go about the mechanics of seeking an arrangement as professionally and safely as possible. You should too:)) OOH! Question: how do you bring up the topic of "allowance?" I can see this being a conversation with my pots in the near future. Ta Ta for now.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm On Some New-New Boo

Hey Sugar World- Viv here. *sighs*

I honestly never thought I could bring myself to do it; to post an "ad" on Buuuut, bitch I did LOL

I dunno! This recession is just the PITS! I have bills to pay, creditors a-calling and an education that demands, well, MONEY. I'm 22, I'm broke, and I'm basically out of options. Double life? Maybe, but with good reason..

I've been reading some blogs of some girls who started out like me: clueless and awkward. That are now with a regular GENUINE SD who fulfills all their needs and more. Ok, you're probably wondering why I titled my blog with "Secret Sugar Baby": it's the God honest truth. Nobody in my social circle or family can find out about this, I mean, I'm a confident beautiful black woman, but some people will take a SD/SB relationship at face value. (i.e. comparing it to fancy prostitution). I mean just take a look at College Sugar Baby's blog; this chick (black girl get it! :p) is living a very coveted life! But she works for what she wants and GETS IT. It's 2010 ladies, and I want it all...