Hello my beautiful dolls. I feel it necessary to touch on the men who occupy our lives. (biological fathers aside, LOL) The ones who waste our time and the ones who are our potential/SD's!

I promise as confident as I may come off (which is a separate post in itself-more to come!) I am still fairly new to the SugarBowl. I'm finding that my radar to gage "timewasters" isn't as sharp as I would like it to be. Recently I met a man on SA.com who was a single father in Chicago working with foreign currency. We exchanged emails via the site and he seemed so very open to my wants and even offered to fly me out to Chicago to visit. We finally exchanged personal emails, which led to exchanging phone numbers. We spoke on the phone he seemed so...normal!
He was attentive with his kids (which I heard in the background EVERY fucking time) and he even had a little puppy in the back yipping on occasion! The Wednesday before the weekend we pegged for my CHI visit, he stops responding to texts, emails, or phone calls. I KNOW RIGHT?!
Fucking ass.
It wasn't incessant the communication between us-I must stress that! But he up and disappeared! I even sought advice via the SB's on FB: I was given a very great piece of advice. I found a link to a flight that had the shortest layover and most direct route and emailed it to him. To quote the SB I chatted with: "If he doesn't respond in the AM with flight details write him off as a timewaster and go about your business."
Lo and be fucking hold, boo boo did NOT respond--which honestly upset me because nothing is more irritating than someone who openly and BLATANTLY wastes MY time. But as she said, I "went about my business" of searching for another pot. That SAME evening, I sent a "Wink" to a gentleman who lives not far from me (about an hour ten, tops) and he was more than interested. We will call this man Mr. Mustache. (For those of you on the FB SB train, I posted a picture of him with his ginormous stache, it's been removed now considering his potential. :))
The Genuine Pot
Mr. Mustache is an active part of the Texas legislature working as a lobbyist and making a cool 500 thou. He's a little pudgy (fuck it, I'm being nice--poor thing is just fat) bald on top and semi-short. The trip was soo much fun! We went to the state Capitol building, dinner, then drinks at his place. Long story short, I stayed at a nearby suite, and walked away with a nice $2,500 in hand. He was very sweet and had more to talk about than only sex! LOL
No sex was had, but we did have a few make-out sessions--damn his mustache!
Considering my degree, he proposed in the future (interests permitting) I would work at his office while still receiving the agreed upon allowance. ($2,000/per meet max three times per month.) We also talked about my relocating to him. (which was a step that I would have eventually taken considering the location of the Uni I want to attend.) He's really big on holding hands in public and what have you, so I had to adjust myself to the gawks and whispers! But THINK ABOUT IT: a short period of time of being uncomfortable for $2,500?? STARE ALL YA WANT! After this chat, he became very adamant on me deleting my account on SA. I asked if he would delete his, and he said "I already have."
Okay--don't let me catch your ass on that shit; I'll bust that bubble WIDE open. Haha!
Do any of you girls have a semi-embarrassing story of an outing with your pot? Do tell!
Hey Viv!
ReplyDeleteI'm new to this site and just started a new blog today, so follow me please :)
But when it comes to embarrassing pot dates, I've had a few!! Haha
This one pot i had almost a year back, I'll use his real name because he's LONG gone.. Mike. Well, the first official date we had, we walking into this really nice, 5 star sushi bar. The judging stares I had gotten walking in there could have killed me. He was in his 50's, super tan, and talked SO loud. I felt all those unapproving eyes on me, as if they KNEW what I was doing...
Anyways, Mike pulled out my chair for me.. nice i thought. Then grabs his chair, and plops it RIGHT on the corner of MY side of the table and puts his arm around me and a hand on my thigh!!! In a five star restaurant... can you say omg im about to die right now...??? That was just the start of the night.
Lets just say I faked a little bit of "food poisoning" and said I needed to get home asap..