Currently in the process (literally-we are IM'ing the deets right now!) of getting my cash for a new set of tires. It's a little funny: after my test (which I'm almost sure I got a A+ on) I stopped by a local garage to get a quote for the tires, installation, rotation, and all that jazz-and for four tires it costs $530. YIKES! I was about to leave and IM my SD on my Yahoo! iPhone app when the mechanic looked at my tires and said that the rear two tires could use another 8,000 miles. Sooo...thinking of how I could benefit, I asked for a quote to fix the two front tires and it's roughly only $175! I called Chaz and let him know that it costs $530...therefore pocketing an extra $350 of spending money. I smell a phone payment being paid for two months and a mini-spa day for this SB's weekend! We still haven't discussed the topic of gas money, spending money, etc. for the trip. But we have two weeks to prepare so I'm not much concerned. I don't want him to feel as if I'm milking him-even though in reality...I am. Considering his personality, I'm almost sure that I'll gain genuine caring feelings for him, but for now? He's just another pot SD trying to plead his case. And I, a sweet SB, here to lend a listening ear. :) I'll be sure to update when things are finalized. Happy Sugar Search!
My bank account has $600 extra in it as of NOW! Whoo hoo! Until next time. Viv
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