Like I was saying, the food was fabulous. Mr. Mustache being the food conneiseur that he is, ordered a little of everything and we ate ourselves silly. :) We had drinks nightly at Armani: Prive which helped when it came to our intimate times together. :) All in all a good time.

A 17 hour plane ride later, we were back in Austin and I, unfortunately, had an hours drive ahead of me before I could lay my tired head down! Mr. Mustache and I aren't SB and SD to one another anymore due mostly to his schedule and my transition to moving. (Still not sure if I want to discuss where I am exactly for fear of my second life being exposed.) We still keep in contact and he pays for my apartment and car note while the job hunt continues/ SD hunt ensues.

Remember the man I met in Dubai from Ireland? Turns out he visits my area for a popular sporting event and wants to link up. I'm excited! But it's bittersweet because it would only last a week and wouldn't be a long source of income. :/ All in all, still a good "seasonal" pot. :)
I know 2012 will bring more sugar my way--it's just difficult being in a new area! Kisses until next time, dolls.
Viv, I absolutely LOVE reading your posts - you are so well spoken!! On another note, I'm amazed you were able to make SD contacts while on a trip with an SD; always thinking a step ahead ;) Glad you got your share of sugar out of the whole experience with Mr. Mustache!!