Okay so, I've been trying to be good about keeping up with the blog! :) New update!
Mr. Compliments turned out to be a total douche, I repeat DOUCHE! Mr. Swirl is still a works in progress-no phone conversations yet, just a few FaceBook messages back and forth. Nothing to rant and rave about. But MR.MAC~he really seems like the real deal. ATTENTION ALL SUGAR BABES && SUGAR BABE PROSPECTS: I had asked the "career-Sugars" about how to broach the topic of allowance/gifts to a pot. SugarCookieBaby noted it may be a good idea to hint that you wanted something. I took a shot! I told Mr. Mac that a *insert popular singers name* was performing in *insert city* and I would go if I could. 45 minutes later: I receive a text asking me for my address so he could send two front row tickets to see *insert popu--* okay fuck it I'm putting it: JOHN MAYER! I never thought it would work! But apparently it did:)) Shout out to SugarCookieBaby! Bitch knows the game! (Thanks a million!)
Mr. Mac && I talked on the phone today and it was such a comfortable conversation! I told him I had an early exam tomorrow and that I would have to go to sleep. I still haven't drafted my English paper! Time to hit the books:) TTYL girls.
How exciting! Where do you live??? lol I feel like you might be near me!! Gahh
College Suga